12 April 2008

A quiet afternoon

So it's a dreary grey Saturday, but in my house it's warm and snuggly. This is the perfect kind of weather for running black-and-white subtitled movies all afternoon, and finally finishing off projects.


(I had a professor in college who loved Kurosawa films and who would occasionally show them up on the big screen in the lecture hall. Thanks to her, I've learned to appreciate them as well.)

Look, my convertible mittens now have buttons! And now that they have been washed and blocked they are the softest mitteny things I've ever worn. I don't want to ever take them off.

And my first striped sock is done! Woo-hoo!

And, since my dad doesn't appreciate all of the knitted stuff I post on this blog, here are some gratuitous and random fly-fishing pictures.

http://troutunderground.com/images/sparklyocaddis.jpgThe image “http://www.backwaterx.com/images/fly3.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.http://wolverines.files.wordpress.com/2007/04/dsc02389.jpg

Honestly, some people....!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

quiltssee 'moose river memories' web site for a man fly fishing in a stream