22 January 2008

Every Tao and Zen you need some bunny photos!

I realized today that I have 45 zillion pictures of Julian and Zeek but none of the bunnies, so today after school I cleaned their cages in preparation of a photo shoot.

As I have mentioned before, Zen is the inquisitive bunny, always sticking her snoot into things and being mischievous and goofy.

Whenever I get near her cage she stands near the door in preparation for making her escape.

And you have to dig that sweet little mustache she has.

She is strong--a big bundle of attitude. If my hand is in the way while I am feeding her, she just muscles her way past it. Raaar! That rabbit's DYNAMITE!!

Tao, meanwhile, is my little bashful bunny. She is very shy and cautious. This is her "lumpples" position-- she is a humble, benign little rock. With ears.

but those ears... oh, those ears. They are the softest things ever.

...and from this angle you can sort of see her little "Muppet" hairdo. She didn't want to look right at the camera, but you can see a tiny bit of that fluff of hair between her ears.

So those are my bunny babies! They are roughly five months old now and every day they show me another facet of their personalities. They are so sweet... and to answer the inevitable question, the kitties are alternately fascinated and utterly terrified of these creatures-- are they a threat? Are they food? Who knows...

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